Casino / Dispute Policy Resolution
Hoiana Casino aims to provide patrons with an enjoyable gaming experience.
1. Dispute between players or between a player and a casino team member shall be resolved firstly at the related operation area. Such disputes shall be escalated to the related manager of that operation area.
2. The Manager receives the dispute raised and obtains information from the Payer The Manager must introduce themselves and their job title; The Manager will listen to the Player’s version without interruption. If a Player is causing disturbance, he/she shall be invited to a neutral area away from the scene.
3. The Manager will communicate to the Player the time and process for settling the dispute.
4. The Manager will obtain details of the dispute from the parties involved and surveillance footage if necessary (Players will not be allowed to view the surveillance footage)
5. The Manager will personally return to the Player and communicate the decision or outcome of the dispute.
6. In the event the player does not agree with the decision or outcome of the dispute resolution process by the Manager at the operation area, they shall be made aware of their rights to file a formal complaint which will be reviewed by the relevant head of department.
7. Such player will be accompanied to the customer service counter, where the customer service officer will take over.
8. Customer service officer will explain the complaint process and provide a Player Complaint Form to complete.
9. The Player shall complete the Player Complaint Form with as much information as possible, stating the following information: Name of Player; Contact number; Email address; Date & time of incident; Location of the incident; Detailed description of the incident; Name or employee ID of team member involved (if known to the Player).
10. All Player complaints, that must be filed, shall be recorded and maintained by the customer service team.
11. Customer service team member will email the complaints to the respective head of department for follow up.
12. The relevant department head shall gather all relevant information pertaining to the complaint and make a final decision. Official complaints filed by gamblers shall be reviewed and followed up by the relevant head of department within 2 business days from the time the complaint is filed.
13. Official response based on the final decision shall be communicated to the complainant within 4 business days from the time the complaint is filed. An official response is to be communicated back to the player firstly by phone followed by a full response by email.
14.Relevant head of department is to send the full response to customer service for record keeping, where the full response is kept as part of the official records. All evidence, decision and official response pertaining to the complaint shall be kept as part of the official records for any regulatory queries.
15. In the event the player does not agree with the decision or outcome of the dispute by the respective head of department via the formal complaint process as specified above, they shall be made aware of their rights to refer the dispute to the competent court or arbitration as stipulated by law.